Editing Services
Editing is crucial for your writing success. Learn about our editing services below!
Our Editing Services
Why Having Multiple Editors is Important
Some say writing the story is the hardest part, but we think editing comes a close second. Editing on your own is definitely not the easiest.
Trying to edit your own work by yourself can pose some serious negative consequences that can slow down your publishing process and cause more work for you.
It’s known that people who are often too close to their own work, won’t always catch even the smallest of mistakes. And even the smallest mistake in your writing can cause you to lose a reader.
We won’t let that happen.
How We Can Help
The Write With Light Publications team tirelessly edits your work by having multiple sets of eyes looking at your writing. The more eyes, the more opportunities to find small mistakes.
When you get tired of the time and energy it takes to edit, we keep going for you. We edit as many times as it takes to make your writing as perfect as it can be before it is set to publish.
Learn more about us and who you will be working with on your editing project.
Our Published Works
About Writing
What if your work was widely criticized and negatively impacted because of a simple spelling error?
We can’t tell you how many great books out there have been ruined because there was little to no editing done. Don’t let this be you.
If you talk to any author, they’ll tell you to hire a book editor. They’ll tell you to spend the money and invest that effort into your book. It could be the difference between a widely loved piece of writing or a widely criticized piece.
You can definitely edit on your own, but we highly suggest getting a second pair of eyes on your work.
Our Process
Our editing process is incredibly thorough.
After you hand us your writing work, won’t only check for misspellings, grammatical errors, and punctuation errors, we make sure that the storyline is going in the right direction. We ensure there are no gaps in your story. We make sure the concept and details are polished and refined.
Without proper editing, your work could suffer when it comes to market, and with the few readers who can be incredibly critical, you want to make sure your work is perfect.
We take great time and care in reviewing your week, which we will then send to you for approval.
Reasons Editing is Important:
- You may miss minor errors which could turn a reader off instantly.
- You know your work too well and have, in a sense, become numb to what you’re reading.
- Sometimes Grammarly doesn’t catch everything (although it does catch a lot).
- Not having other unbiased perspectives can cause for lack of proper development.
- Any errors that do exist in your work could result in lack of credibility.
How Long Does Editing Take?
When we are editing, we like to take our time. Any missed errors are a reflection of you as a writer and us as a publishing company.
We have multiple eyes on editing projects at once, which ensures we don’t miss any mistakes throughout the texts. Because we are extra thorough, our editing process can take a lot of time.
The duration of our editing process depends on a few things:
- Length of the writing piece
- If it has been edited before reaching us
- Type of project
When it comes to writing, we suggest taking 2 – 5 months to edit the work properly. In doing so, we can ensure that your work is absolutely perfect before you publish or enter into writing contests.
Our Pricing
Children's Book Editing
- Initial Consultation
- Write With Light Collaborative Edit Session
- Interior & Exterior Design Consulting
- Layout & Organization Consulting
- Editing for Detail & Overall Story Development
- Edits for up to 35 pages
Short Story Editing
- Initial Consultation
- Write With Light team Collaborative Edit
- Exterior & Interior Design Consulting (if applicable)
- Layout & Organization Consulting (if applicable)
- Editing for Detail & Overall Story Development
- Edits for stories 35 to 60 pages in length
Novel Editing
- Initial Consultation
- Write With Light team Collaborative Edit
- Exterior & Interior Design Consulting
- Layout & Organization Consulting
- Formatting Assistance (eBook and hard copy)
- Editing for Detail & Overall Story Development
- Edits for stories 100 – 500 pages in length
- *For books longer than 500 pages, contact us for pricing.
Ready to Publish Your Book?
We want to help you bring your book to life. If you’re ready to get started, or have a great idea, contact us!
What Our Authors Say About Us
“It was pure pleasure to work with Kathy and Kelly with Write With Light Publications. They are friendly, warm, professional, and responsive. With their encouragement and guidance, my book publishing experience and initial launch event were pleasant and supported in the most positive manner. I am greatly appreciative of their interest in my work – and their engaging energy!”
“Kindest people to work with!”
“I wanted to share with you my experience with Light Publications, Kathy, Jim, and Kelly. What wonderful people. When I was sharing my story with them they listened with compassion and understanding. They worked as a team and were ready to ask questions to convey the message I wanted to share. It is with great honor that I tell you these are good people. They are honest and I am proud to say that they will always be my friends. Thank you Light Publications you are inspiring!”